Cape Town – 2020 – Stevens Motorcycle Bucket List – Part 1

My Cape Town – Motorcycle Bucket List – Part 1. Filmed on the »Grasshopper« Yamaha TTR 250 during my visit and staying at Woodstock Moto Co | Cape Town Moto in January 2020 with GoPro Hero 8 and iShoxs brackets. ♠️ Enjoy! ♣️

Thank you to all the people and riders I had the pleasure to meet there and for there friendship!

My OldSkøør YouTube Channel, as my personal Steven Flier Social Media appearance, is a pure personal thing for me, about motorcycling and other stuff I’m interested. Thanx! for following & sharing

Steven Flier
Motorcycle Enthusiast
»Sometimes I have a story to tell«

And Thanx! for following ❤️

♠️ Steven – Facebook
♠️ Steven – Instagram
♠️ Steven – YouTube (OldSkøør)


»Blackout Romeo« & »Ignite« by The Spin Wires | download: Jamendo